by Stan Phelps and Keith Holmes.

This is an album of mural art we've produced since 1986
beginning with the most recent.

Click pictures for detail.

Galiano Museum
Galiano Island

Hummingbird Inn

Galiano Island
Daystar Market
revisited 2013

Galiano Island

Calgary Spring Bull Sale 1901 revisited
Calgary Stampede Grounds


Legion Hall
Stony Plain, AB
Jacob Schram
Stony Plain, AB
A Claresholm Celebration
circa 1912
Claresholm, AB
Albi, an Italian Village

circa 1912
Cochrane Ranch
Cochrane, AB (mural redo)

Calgary Spring Bull Sale 1901
Calgary Stampede Grounds

RCMP Musical Ride
Calgary Stampede
Seed and Hay Show
Calgary Stampede

Black Bonspiel of Willie MacCrimmon
1, First End
Red Deer AB

Virtual Walk-by
Black Bonspiel of
Willie MacCrimmon

2, Last End

Red Deer AB

Virtual Walk-by
Farmer's Market
St. Albert, AB

Flower Garden
Galiano Island BC
Cyclone in the Setting Sun
Calgary Stampede Grounds
Winter Olympics
Calgary International
Flower House
Galiano Island BC

Calgary Bay, Scotland
Calgary City Hall
Calgary AB

Boreal Forest
Slave Lake AB
Aspen Grove
Calgary AB

Endless Prairie
Calgary AB
Blacksmith Shop
Stony Plain AB

Polo Match
High River AB

Log Jam
High River AB
Poppy Mural
Galiano Island BC
Blue Heron Mural
Saturna Island BC
Orca Mural
Galiano Island BC

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more about:
The MuralAct process
The MuralArtists
MuralAct as Entertainment
Mural Renovation
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